Photo By Allyson Flores
Photo By Allyson Flores.

Unveiling the final puzzle piece at the JIGSAW: MMA Plenary & Exhibit

Break the barriers of innovation at the JIGSAW: MMA Capstone Plenary & Exhibit, where Benilde Multimedia Arts students showcased their capstone projects through a series of interactive exhibitions and a culminating plenary session.

By Kara Co, and Rafael Luis Garcia | Saturday, 7 September 2024

Nearing the end of their studies, senior Multimedia Arts students gather to showcase the fruits of their hard work and the culmination of their learnings in the College. JIGSAW: MMA Capstone Plenary & Exhibit consisted of a three-day exhibit that ran from Aug. 6 to 8 and concluded with a plenary session for capstone finalists and performances on Aug. 9 in the Augusto-Rosario Gonzales (ARG) Theater.


JIGSAW: MMA Capstone Plenary & Exhibit is the capstone event hosted each term by Benilde’s Multimedia Arts program, showcasing notable capstone projects completed by Multimedia Arts students. From producing a multimedia thesis to the production of the capstone project in a span of three terms, the event represents the culmination of the research endeavors and skills acquired by the students during their time in the program.


The theme of this year’s capstone display is a colorful tapestry woven from creativity and lighthearted memories. Organized by the student-led group Momento Studio from the Project Management for Multimedia (MMEPRMN) class, JIGSAW invited participants to embark on a journey of cooperative exploration. Drawing inspiration from the classic appeal of board games and the satisfying click of puzzle pieces, it was a call to gather, exercise creativity, and piece together a mishmash of entertaining and original concepts observed in each project and their collective blend.


Piecing the projects together

To showcase the works of the graduates, a week-long exhibit was held in Room A1008 on the the 10th Floor of the Design and Arts (D+A) Campus. The exhibit was open to the public, bringing a wide audience to experience and appreciate the culminating projects. Opening on Aug. 6, the event started with a short program where finalists introduced and explained their projects. 


The participating projects include Sinibatao,” “Bugtong, Dugtong,” “Kubo Kards,” “Search History,” “Talik Talk,” “Pabili Po,” “Chronicle Cipher,” “Tahol,” and “Mirasol.” Each project addresses a problem identified by the group. For example, “Pabili Po” is an interactive digital game that teaches children how to count money in Filipino while Mirasol is a true-story-inspired series about comfort women in the Philippines. The interactive exhibit ran until Aug. 8. 


The building blocks of a capstone project

In line with this, the capstone exhibition showcased a diverse lineup of student projects, each contributing to the overarching theme of piecing together diverse elements to form a cohesive whole. From animations and videos to web projects and interactive formats, the exhibits reflected the wide range of skills that the students had developed, including graphic design, animation, storytelling, and user experience design.


“Sinibatao” is a project featuring printed products aimed at promoting moral growth through education. It emphasizes Filipino ancestry while incorporating cultural motifs into the materials. This initiative seeks to address challenges faced by instructors in finding art-integrated resources and to counter students' indifference stemming from a lack of art-related materials.


Another project, “Bugtong Dugtong,” which roughly translates to "Riddles Continued," involves a collaborative or interactive endeavor. It is a life-size board game that reinterprets classic Filipino riddles for a contemporary setting or media, using print to emphasize the participatory aspect of the piece. The project aims to help students better appreciate and understand Filipino traditions, instilling a sense of cultural pride and continuity.


Moving from physical outputs to a digital project, “Mirasol” addresses a more serious subject matter. This project features five short films and a website that portrays narratives related to the marginalization and experiences of Filipino sex workers from their perspectives. It seeks to expose the irrefutable stigma and realities of prostitution in the Philippines.


Revealing the puzzle to solve

The MMA Capstone concluded with a culminating activity at the ARG Theater on Aug. 9. During this event, the group finalists behind “Bugtong Dugtong,” “Mirasol,” and “Sinibatao” presented their projects to judges including professionals such as Executive Creative Director at Cheil Philippines/Samsung Group John Pabalan and Creative Gaming Brand Specialist for Game On under Adobo Magazine, Rey Tiempo. Similarly, DLS-CSB Chancellor Mr. Benhur Ong and Brother President Br. Edmundo “Dodo” Fernandez FSC were also judges at the event, sharing their knowledge and insights with the finalists. 


Each group then underwent a question and answer session after their respective presentations to answer any clarifications the judges may have and to further explain their projects. 


The plenary session also included performances to entertain the audience during intermissions. Performers such as ID121 Multimedia Arts student Christian Gonzalo, Benildean drag queen Juana Bang, and rising P-pop and R&B singer-songwriter JUNA entertained audiences with their skills in the performing arts.


To conclude the event, the following awards were given:

Best Capstone Project - Sinibatao

Serbisyo Benildyano - Bugtong, Dugtong

Best Writing for New Media - Sinibatao

Best Video  - Mirasol

Best Sound Design - Mirasol

Best Art Direction - Bugtong, Dugtong

Best Animation - Bugtong, Dugtong

Best Print - Bugtong, Dugtong


The JIGSAW: MMA Capstone Plenary & Exhibit showcased the peak of the Multimedia Arts students' creative journey. Their innovative projects proved their ability to blend artistic expression backed by technical skills. Additionally, the event provided an opportunity for the students to present their work to an audience and gain feedback from industry leaders. 


As these students are nearing the start of their professional careers, the skills and experiences obtained from JIGSAW: MMA Capstone Plenary & Exhibit will surely help them kickstart their professional journeys and achieve success.


For more information on the next Multimedia Arts capstone projects, follow  MMA Capstone on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for more details. Each capstone project can also be viewed on the MMA Capstone official website.

Last updated: Saturday, 7 September 2024