Art Banner By Gilbert Escorial
Art Banner By Gilbert Escorial.

Benilde to offer “BA - Fine Arts in Culture-Based Arts” next academic year

The College is now offering a new fine arts program—here’s what you need to know!

By Hannah Lauren Cadiz | Friday, 2 June 2023

The School of Arts, Culture, and Performance (SACP) announced its newest program on Philippine arts production, the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Culture-Based Arts (BFA-CBA). The program is now accepting applicants for the first term of Academic Year 2023-2024.


Rooted in indigenous Philippine art, this new program shapes and empowers students to be top-level industry-ready artists of today.


With a total of 180 units that will run for 10 terms, the BFA-CBA program focuses on the social aspect of local communities and their cultural traditions to give way for learners to develop skills in identifying and finding solutions to problems on a global scale.


The program has a hands-on approach and learners are expected to immerse themselves in social projects and activities to get a grasp on socio-cultural traditions, habits, patterns, and beliefs of Filipinos, along with their respective subcultures. Through this way of learning, students will gain a heightened sense of understanding of Philippine culture and will treat the subject with respect and without prejudice.


Meanwhile, the teaching staff of the program consists of well-established artists and entrepreneurs in their respective industries, known for their expertise both locally and abroad. With the guidance of such an excellent roster of teachers, students are all mentored under the direction of faculty members who are masters in their craft. 


The BFA-CBA program is under the Design and Arts Campus (DAC), which is home to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, housing distinguished artists for over 15 years.


Graduates of the program will have job opportunities in organizing local and international civic groups and agencies involved with indigenous people, doing government work as specialists or managers for cultural agencies, and doing creative work such as content creation and multidisciplinary artistry, among many others.

You may visit the SACP Facebook page for further updates.

Last updated: Friday, 2 June 2023