Cover Photo By John David Miranda
Cover Photo By John David Miranda.

Want to learn the importance of a gender-sensitive language? This webinar is for you

Check out this free in-depth talk about the current challenges of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as ways for better communication for all genders.

By Bea Mendoza | Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Benildeans and non-Benildeans are invited to a free webinar titled “Sense on LGBTQIA+,” which will highlight how the Philippines can become a safer country for the LGBTQIA+ community. The event will be on March 5, Friday, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Guest speaker Gregorio R. Caliguia, a senior research specialist for Casa de Memoria and Philippine Studies master’s degree student who specializes in Philippine gay historiography, will give an in-depth talk on the implications of not having a gender-sensitive language in the country. He will also share the vital tools, connections, and current challenges for better communication for all genders, to include the LGBTQIA+.

Currently, Caliguia III is completing his archival research thesis for his master’s degree, arguing that an accurate history of the word bakla can reframe people’s understanding of identities that are historically defined and socially disabled by the word bakla itself.

To register, check out eventbrite. For more information on the event, visit Sense on LGBTQIA+ official Facebook event invitation. 

Sense on LGBTQIA+ is a CSBLife accredited event. Moreover, Filipino Sign Language (FSL) interpreters will be present.

The free webinar is spearheaded by Benilde Center for Inclusive Education (CIE), in partnership with Benilde Hive (BHive) and Benilde Central Student Government (CSG).